Sunday, December 5, 2010

How can I grow my NPN downline?

That's an important question! Well if you are part of my Global NPN Team, I can help you in a number of ways. For one thing, I can help you set up a website like this one and get visitors to it on a daily basis. That's important, because there is an infinite supply of people looking for online marketing tools and a quality affiliate program like the one at Global NPN.

There are all kinds of ways to advertise online (and 'offline'!), but the best thing you can do is establish a web presence that draws in organic search engine traffic. So that is one way that you can grow your downline. Another way is to promote your link in Traffic Exchanges. But for that, you will need specialized ads, tied to a special offer - i.e. some unique and special reason for prospects to join Global NPN through your affiliate link, rather than somebody else's. In short, you have to give value. 'You have to give in order to receive.' This is best accomplished through your NPN autoresponder, through a series of helpful marketing/training tips and links to freebies. In short, you need to be the kind of upline sponsor that you've always wanted, but probably never had!

Keep following this blog for lot and LOTS of new ideas about how we can build something special together with Global NPN.

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